LBT/LBC z-band image of the field. The coverage of different surveys/instruments is shown, including the forthcoming JWST/NIRCam mosaic. The entire field is also covered by XMM, VLA, JVLA, MUSYC wide, and Spitzer/IRAC.

Multi-band data

Band Survey/Instrument Area Depth(5σ) Status/Refs/Notes
X-ray 0.5-7 keV Chandra/ACIS-I 17' x 17' 1.7 x 10-16 erg/cm2/s Nanni+18, Gilli+19, Nanni+20, Marchesi+21, Peca+21
X-ray 0.3-10 keV XMM 30' diameter 1.0 x 10-15 erg/cm2/s Farrah+04 - reanalyzed data
Opt - U B V R i z MUSYC Wide 30' x 30' mAB = 25-26 Blanc+08
Opt - g LBT/LBC 23' x 25' mAB = 27.0 PI Mignoli (observed, May 2021)
Opt - r i z LBT/LBC 23' x 25' mAB = 25, 26, 27.5 Morselli+14
Opt - r i z Subaru/Suprime-Cam 27' x 34' mAB = 26-28 Diaz+14
Opt - F775W F850LP HST/ACS 3.3' x 3.3' mAB = 27.5 Stiavelli+05, Kim+09
NIR - Y J WIRCAM/CFHT 24' x 24' mAB = 24 Balmaverde+17
NIR - Ks WIRCAM/CFHT 24' x 24' mAB = 24 PI Mignoli (observed, Feb 2022, Jan 2023)
NIR - Ks LBT/LUCI+SOUL (AO) 2 x (30" x 30") mAB ~ 26 PI Gilli (observed, Apr 2022, Apr 2023)
NIR - J H K MUSYC Deep 10' x 10' mAB = 23 Quadri+07
NIR - K MUSYC Wide 30' x 30' mAB = 21 Blanc+08
NIR - F160W HST/WFC3 2' x 2' mAB = 27.5 HST archive - D'Amato+20
MIR 3.6-8.0μm Spitzer/IRAC ~35' x 35' [3.6] = 22.5 Annunziatella+18
MIR 24μm Spitzer/MIPS ~10' x 16' [24] = 19.5 IRSA archive
FIR - 100,160μm Herschel/PACS ~4' x 7' ~10 mJy IRSA archive; see also Leipski+14
FIR - 250,350,500μm Herschel/SPIRE ~16' x 16' ~30 mJy IRSA archive; see also Leipski+14
FIR - 1.1mm AzTEC 212.6 arcmin2 2.6 mJy Zeballos+18
FIR - 1.2mm ALMA 25'' FWHM 230 μJy Decarli+18
FIR - 1.2mm ALMA 25'' FWHM 300 μJy PI Mignoli (observed, May 2022)
FIR - 3.0mm ALMA 1' x 2' 35 μJy D'Amato+20
Radio - 1.4GHz VLA 30' FWHM 90 μJy Petric+03 - reanalyzed data
Radio - 1.4GHz JVLA 30' FWHM 12.5 μJy D'Amato+22
Radio - 400,650MHz uGMRT 80,40' FWHM 125,50 μJy PI Brienza (observed, Oct 2021)
Radio - 150MHz LOFAR 3o FWHM 650 μJy Brienza+23

Spectroscopic data

Band Telescope/Instrument/Mode # slits/targets Emission line sensitivity (5σ) Status/Refs/Notes
Opt LBT/MODS/MOS MOS 10-17 erg/cm2/s Mignoli+20, Marchesi+21
Opt LBT/MODS/MOS MOS 10-17 erg/cm2/s Marchesi+23
Opt Keck/DEIMOS/MOS MOS 10-17 erg/cm2/s Decarli+19, Marchesi+21
Opt Keck/DEIMOS/MOS MOS 10-17 erg/cm2/s Meyer+20
Opt VLT/MUSE/IFU IFU 2 x 10-18 erg/cm2/s Mignoli+20, Meyer+20, Diaz+21
Opt VLT/FORS2 MOS 6 x 10-18 erg/cm2/s Mignoli+20, Marchesi+21
NIR LBT/LUCI/Long Slit Long Slit 2 x 10-17 erg/cm2/s Gilli+19
mm Noema single pointing 0.5 Jy km/s Decarli+19

Last modified: 10 Apr 2023